Attire - Suits- Dresses- Casual- Comfortable; Whatever you desire. .
Welcome to Vitality Church.
Come enjoy entering into the presence of a God who loves you. You will be worshiping the Lord in the assembly of believers (Church). Everything will be clearly marked so you'll know where to go whether you need childcare or just looking for a place to sit. If you do need help, we'll make sure there will always be somebody nearby that can answer your questions or point you in the right direction.
Worship Service
Once everything gets started, worship! Remember you'll never be singled out or called on during the service. We will never embarrass you. This is Jesus' Church, just make yourself at home and learn from Him.
What do I Bring? What Will- I / Children / Family I be Learning?
Bring your Bible and if you don't have one let us know and we will provide one for you to keep. Don't worry, scriptures will be displayed on the screen but our goal is to have everyone in the Bible following along. Please, don't feel inadequate if you don't know your way through Bible yet, truth is no one has! Everyone is learning! Together we will guide each other through God's life changing truths. Remember, our messages are Biblical. Each week we take what the Bible says and learn how to apply it to our real life issues and questions and purpose. God's Word grows us and feeds our souls, God gives you something through His Word on Sunday that you can start applying on Sunday.
Psalm 119:105 Your Word O' God is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path.
Hebrews 4:12 - For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it brings forth the thoughts and attitudes of the heart
Anything I need to Due?
Don't forget to fill out our connect card so that you can receive updates on our future events.
After Worship
We provide great coffee and refreshments after each service in our fellowship hall for your enjoyment and relationship building we value our children and they have fun during this time just being kids. This a huge part of who we are as a church, and we would be blessed to connect join in the joy
Is that All?
Yes, Just Come and Enter into the Presence of Jesus who Loves you.
Welcome to Vitality Church.
Come enjoy entering into the presence of a God who loves you. You will be worshiping the Lord in the assembly of believers (Church). Everything will be clearly marked so you'll know where to go whether you need childcare or just looking for a place to sit. If you do need help, we'll make sure there will always be somebody nearby that can answer your questions or point you in the right direction.
Worship Service
Once everything gets started, worship! Remember you'll never be singled out or called on during the service. We will never embarrass you. This is Jesus' Church, just make yourself at home and learn from Him.
What do I Bring? What Will- I / Children / Family I be Learning?
Bring your Bible and if you don't have one let us know and we will provide one for you to keep. Don't worry, scriptures will be displayed on the screen but our goal is to have everyone in the Bible following along. Please, don't feel inadequate if you don't know your way through Bible yet, truth is no one has! Everyone is learning! Together we will guide each other through God's life changing truths. Remember, our messages are Biblical. Each week we take what the Bible says and learn how to apply it to our real life issues and questions and purpose. God's Word grows us and feeds our souls, God gives you something through His Word on Sunday that you can start applying on Sunday.
Psalm 119:105 Your Word O' God is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path.
Hebrews 4:12 - For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it brings forth the thoughts and attitudes of the heart
Anything I need to Due?
Don't forget to fill out our connect card so that you can receive updates on our future events.
After Worship
We provide great coffee and refreshments after each service in our fellowship hall for your enjoyment and relationship building we value our children and they have fun during this time just being kids. This a huge part of who we are as a church, and we would be blessed to connect join in the joy
Is that All?
Yes, Just Come and Enter into the Presence of Jesus who Loves you.